You will learn about the prerequisites required to get started with the project, be it for development or production purposes. 🚀
Packages 📦
Before you start, you need to have the following prerequisites:
- Have a unix-like environment (Linux, macOS, WSL, etc). 💻
- Git - Git is a distributed version control system. 🌐
- Docker / Docker compose - Docker is a platform for building, running, and shipping applications. Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. 🐳
- A wallet or a wallet provider to interact with the blockchain. You can use, for example: Metamask. 👛
- An account on Pinata to get the required API keys. 🔑
Project 📂
You need to have the project cloned in your local machine. You can do this by running the following command in the terminal:
git clone
and then, navigate to the project's root directory:
cd iPresence
Environment Variables 🔐
On the root of the project, you will find a .env.example
file. You need to create a .env
file and copy the content of the .env.example
file to it. Then, you need to fill in the environment variables with the required values.
# Web3 provider
# If you want to use the contracts deployed, you can set the ipfs gateway url here
is the private key of the account that will deploy the contracts on the testnet, you can follow the instructions on the How to export an account's private key to get it. The PINATA_JWT
are required to upload images to IPFS, you can get them by creating an account on Pinata, creating an API key, and getting the gateway.
🍀 optional: If you want to use the contracts deployed, you can set the IPFS gateway URL of each contract in the .env
file. Here are the current deployed contracts IPFS's: UserRegistry, EventManager, CheckInManager. If not set, the services of the project will use the contracts in local file mode.